Sunday, July 6, 2008

Creature Feature..The Greatest Show Unearthed

Most of you reading this by now have heard of the band Creature Feature. If not, then you should. These days I tend to wince a bit every time a self-declared “horror band” steps onto the scene, as about 60 percent of them are either ripping off The Misfits, The Cramps or Cannibal Corpse, and another, say 30 percent are emo wankers who wear Lucio Fulci t-shirts while whining about who-cares-what. That leaves a meager 10 percent of the pie for quality bands who manage to process their classic horror obsessions in unique, compelling or just plain fun ways. This duo definitely falls into the “fun” part of that group. Creature Feature is coming to Charlotte in Late August and as soon as the greenlight is given to post the date and club I will. Watch The Video.

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