This movie review comes courtesy of RF Black our new movie review critic. I value his opinion more than anybody, since we share the exact same taste in movies. RF Black and I go back a long time and I would like to welcome him to Vampire Stereo!
I'm a lucky guy. I'm lucky because my job, as frustrating as it can be, will sometimes afford me the opportunity to see movies well before most folks. Don't hate me, you'll get your turn in a few more days.I promise it's worth the wait. The Nolan brothers have gone and made what will probably go down as the the greatest superhero ever. This movie is everything you are expecting and then some. It's leaps and bounds better than Batman Begins, which I thought was a fantastic flick in it's own right. But this...this is Empire...this is the Godfather pt. 2...this is Aliens. Yeah, I said it. This bitch starts off with no credits. Just a big fuck off Bat Signal floating out of blue smoke and we're underway.They waste no time in letting you know just what kind of man The Joker is.(more on him later)Then they catch us up on what Old Bats has been up to. Still kicking ass and refusing to take names. Only he's having trouble with regular citizens dressing up like him and trying to fight crime, and to quote Ace Frehley,"They've got guns!" So of course they only dick things up for him. Anyway, he kicks a little ass on an old friend and some dogs. Which later leads to a conversation with Lucius Fox that maybe be a setup for the next flick. I really don't want to give anything away here so I'll just say that the story is superbly written and flows incredibly smooth. At no point was I bored and for 2 1/2 hours I was in Gotham watching all this fucked-uppery go down. So let's talk about the players shall we? Christian Bale is one of the finest actors of our generation. For my money he's also the best Batman we've had. All the other actors who have played the role were either a good Batman and a decent Bruce Wayne(Keaton), a great Bruce Wayne and a meh Batman(Clooney)or Val Kilmer. No offense to Mr. Kilmer. Amazing actor, just not as Batman. Bale, nails em all to the wall. The stuff between him and Rachel Dawes is touching and occasionally uncomfortable. You can tell Bruce is stupid for her but alas, she loves another. Which leads to some awesome 'alpha dog' posturing between Bruce and Harvey Dent.I've never been a huge Aaron Eckhart fan. I've always felt like he was trying to steal Thomas Jane's career.But he steps up and makes me a believer. I believe in Harvey Dent! Dent is a golden boy and Eckhart plays it to the hilt.And once the 'Big Bad Thing' happens...he's downright scary.Speaking of scary...What can I say about Heath Ledger that won't sound like I'm kissing the ass of a dead man? Fuck it. He was brilliant. If he doesn't get an Oscar for this performance, I'm burning Hollywood to the ground. I already owe 'em for Speed Racer anyway. Seriously though, he owns this role. It was like watching Daniel Day Lewis. There is no actor...only the character. The facial expressions, the nervous ticks, the way he flaps his arm when he walks. It's all 100% Mr. J. A truly Balls to the wall performance, destined to go down as one of the greatest characters in cinematic history. So did I like it? Put it this way. I see movies for free, but I would lay down my hard earned money to see this movie. I'd pay full price and I'd do it often. I can't wait for this movie to come out so I can watch it over and over and over again. You will too! RF Black